The District Development Model, which aims to centralise control over all spheres of govt, has been taken to dispute resolution rather than challenged on constitutional grounds
After some uncertainty over the ANC's intentions, Mayor Hill-Lewis announced receipt of a Service Level Plan from PRASA.
GNU leaders have built their legitimacy among elites on the promise of economic growth to contain populism. But the economy is shrinking, and industry is worried
Privaatinisiatiewe soos dié van AfriForum en Saai het na vore getree om broodnodige hulp te verleen waar die regering tekortskiet, deeur om 'n nuwe noodhulfons te stig
The new regulations are extreme and unenforceable, say legal experts. The organisation advises employers to sign up to strong employers organisations
The DA and ANC wish to neuter the Competition Commission to provide Vodacom and Remgro (Johann Rupert's company) the opportunity to assemble a national telecoms monopoly
A group of concerned residents welcome their new mayor, but urge attention to serious issues with both security and with the transport systems, calling for visible leadership
The Department of Energy had a final session of public participation last week. Hugo Kruger explains their response, and what it means for our power grid
The DA has learned to make several foxlike Machiavellian moves, gaining and retaining significant power. But their commitment to their voter base has taken a backseat.
Cartelised control of the mining industry is revealing massive gaps in the market - which are being filled by foreign criminals instead of law-abiding citizens
The electricity minister has launched an urgent intervention to secure liquid natural gas supplies as insecurity in Mozambique has jeopardised steady regional fuel supplies.
Industry representatives are severely concerned about the predatory tax hike on an already precarious industry, and have pleaded with authorities to spare jobs in the sector
Key features of the Act, which would have taken powers away from parents, have been put on hold for now, as the state retreats from their top-down approach to education
The province's 97% dependency on grants from the national Treasury puts it at the mercy of the national government. But the Western Cape is perfectly capable of funding itself
The COP29 deal signs South Africa up for debts which will be funneled into Western countries, while committing us to capping our economic development
Paratus, the firearm-owners' rights advocacy group, has released a short study on police attempts at firearms control. It doesn't look good for SAPS
None of the risks are new, but the GNU provides an opportunity for pursuing the end of the cash economy, and with it, some rather sinister global reforms.
Rumours are that the DA is planning to extend their partnership with the ANC down to the local government. This could neuter all political opposition in the country.
Stellenbosch has been entangled in a scandal after their efforts to keep Afrikaans candidates off of student council drew public attention. AfriForum Youth is fighting back