Following Mchunu's Friday statement about farm murder statistics, AfriForum has found that they have not been accurately recording the crimes
After the Minister attacked critics of the ANC's race policies being implemented by his department, Sakeliga has chosen to hold the DA to its own standard of criticism
A former US Republican State Executive Committeeman provides his friendly and considered response to Joel Pollack on South Africa's future
This past year has seen dramatic shifts in government across southern Africa, with voters turning on incumbents. This comes as a major blow to the liberation-party establishment
A group of concerned residents welcome their new mayor, but urge attention to serious issues with both security and with the transport systems, calling for visible leadership
A culture of impunity in the DA has led to many instances of corruption being overlooked. But the capture of the City housing department under Malusi Booi may be among the worst.
Heralding the launch of the Afrikaner Foundation, spokesman Ernst van Zyl sets out the Solidariteit Movement's post-electoral vision for the Afrikaner people at home and abroad
Phil Craig responds to the othering of non-black South Africans in the Cape by Deputy President Paul Mashatile
Cuan Elgin, a VF+ District Councilor for Overstrand, makes the case for the VF+'s role in keeping the DA to account, in the 60% of the councils in the province where they govern
Ike Boss, ‘n kommunikasiepraktisyn van Kaapstad, bevraagteken die DA se bedoelings rakende die Veelpartyhandves, nadat hulle leiers die kans van 'n ANC-koalisie asem gee