Mmusi joins a cluster of DA defectors who have embraced hardcore black nationalism. This is a dynamic well understood by DA leadership, but little addressed.
After several acts of revenge by the DA for the VF+'s attempts to hold the DA to account for violating coalition agreements or protecting corruption, the two have called time-out.
Evidence shows that cutting the worst teachers improves learner outcomes. But the department has not made clear their criteria for layoffs - cutting at random would be bad
The District Development Model, which aims to centralise control over all spheres of govt, has been taken to dispute resolution rather than challenged on constitutional grounds
GNU leaders have built their legitimacy among elites on the promise of economic growth to contain populism. But the economy is shrinking, and industry is worried
Privaatinisiatiewe soos dié van AfriForum en Saai het na vore getree om broodnodige hulp te verleen waar die regering tekortskiet, deeur om 'n nuwe noodhulfons te stig
The DA and ANC wish to neuter the Competition Commission to provide Vodacom and Remgro (Johann Rupert's company) the opportunity to assemble a national telecoms monopoly