After state-guided social media censorship has been suspended during the political transition in America, News24 insists that South Africa must suppress undesirable speech
Possibly the longest internet outage in the past ten years raises questions about the quality of service in an industry which has seen competition stagnate.
Hugo Kruger explains that environmental activists' hysteria over the nuclear waste storage facility in Vaalputs is based in ignorance of technical matters
Judge Cornelius van der Westhuizen ruled that the government had violated future generations' rights to a clean environment, and dismissed plans for mitigation of emissions
The DA and ANC wish to neuter the Competition Commission to provide Vodacom and Remgro (Johann Rupert's company) the opportunity to assemble a national telecoms monopoly
None of the risks are new, but the GNU provides an opportunity for pursuing the end of the cash economy, and with it, some rather sinister global reforms.
The Reserve Bank is pushing for a series of private acquisitions in order to make it easier to track and control the population's behaviour