One simple statistic explains all you need to know about why South Africa is being targeted by the United States
How dedicated South Africans and American foreign policy can establish a new logic of power in the African subcontinent
While the Expropriation Act is receiving a lot of attention, there is something way worse coming down the pipe, which will abolish landowners' right to a fair trial.
How the DA and its advisors came to defend Expropriation, albeit indirectly
Expropriation without compensation is coming. I have detailed the powers afforded by the present Act, and the soon-to-be-signed Land Courts Act.
A good friend and co-founder of this news site, Wian passed away last week suddenly. His talents and good cheer will be missed by many.
Our representatives in the ruling coalition have capitulated to the ANC, leaving minorities without Parliamentary representation. South Africa now needs a radical shakeup
Several countries guilty of bribing our government during the arms deal will now oversee anti-corruption efforts under an OECD plan
Mmusi joins a cluster of DA defectors who have embraced hardcore black nationalism. This is a dynamic well understood by DA leadership, but little addressed.