After the Minister attacked critics of the ANC's race policies being implemented by his department, Sakeliga has chosen to hold the DA to its own standard of criticism
Despite a lack of any legal or agricultural background, Steenhuisen claimed the constitutional lawyers at Sakeliga and AfriForum didn't understand the law
Mayor Tsengwas has been ousted, but the Deputy Mayor of the corruption co-accused coalition partner BPI has appointed him back to the Mayoral Committee
Rep. Ogles and colleagues hit out at the ANC in a letter to the president, demanding an end to AGOA following support for China, Hamas, and shelter of Al-Quds extremists
But scientists criticise Cape Town's terrible waste management practices, which have caused the collapse of a previous desalination project in 2019
Support from Provincial and private sector actors has ameliorated the worst in fruit export disruption, but our container terminal has fallen to dead last in global rankings
One simple statistic explains all you need to know about why South Africa is being targeted by the United States
Donald Brown presents us with the notion of Cape independence as a middle-ground between a government seeking domination and minorities seeking resistance
The recently-launched Western Cape-based startup joins others in a highly innovative local tech sector with continental ambitions
The leader of the DA has backed several new BEE policies in agriculture, after his support for several "transformation funds", as well as race quotas for operating licenses
How dedicated South Africans and American foreign policy can establish a new logic of power in the African subcontinent
A former US Republican State Executive Committeeman provides his friendly and considered response to Joel Pollack on South Africa's future
While the Expropriation Act is receiving a lot of attention, there is something way worse coming down the pipe, which will abolish landowners' right to a fair trial.
The DA-led provincial education department is collaborating with the SAHRC in a witch-hunt for racism which aims to "decolonise" the system. This is dangerous.
How the DA and its advisors came to defend Expropriation, albeit indirectly
Market forces alone are not going to keep fibre internet service levels as high as we all need them to be.
The DA have capitulated on the composition of cabinet, the BELA Bill, and had an underwhelming response to Expropriation. How have they found themselves in this situation?
Expropriation without compensation is coming. I have detailed the powers afforded by the present Act, and the soon-to-be-signed Land Courts Act.