The following is a press release from the Referendum Party:
According to EWN, Deputy President Mashatile told Imizamo Yethu residents that “Here in the Western Cape, you don’t have your own government. There’s a government of other people”, before adding that the province will never be independent.
The Referendum Party is disappointed but not surprised at these remarks.
RP leader Phil Craig says, “ANC-led South Africa has long since abandoned any pretence that it believes in non-racialism and that South Africa belongs equally to all who live here, regardless of what the Constitution might say. The ANC is a racist party and believes that Africa belongs to Africans.”
It is for precisely this reason that the Western Cape must break away from South Africa and allow its people to create an ideological homeland which is non-racial and governed in accordance with the democratic will of the Western Cape majority.
Craig says, “The irony of Mashatile’s comments is astounding. Since 1994, the majority of Western Cape voters have never once voted ANC, yet at a national level they have never been governed by anyone else. He can say what he likes about Cape Independence, it isn’t his decision to make. Cape Independence is based upon the right of the Western Cape people to self-determination, a right which South Africa is both obliged to and has sworn to uphold.”
Following Mchunu's Friday statement about farm murder statistics, AfriForum has found that they have not been accurately recording the crimes