The DA has petitioned for the dismissal of Minister Nzimande, and called for all outstanding payments to be settled. However, they lack the power to achieve this.
The Referendum Party's Phil Craig was also mentioned, and issued a press statement saying that Zuma has done more for Cape independence than any other leader
Nazier Paulsen also called on supporters to locate the IP addresses of independence supporters in a social media post on Sunday
A recent court case in Bloemfontein could give the power to local ratepayers to seize back control of rates and services that local governments refuse to provide
South Africa's decision to take over the UN mission in the DRC and turn it into a combat operation comes on the back of chronic decay in the SANDF
The liberal parties are seeking an end to the looting, negligence and destruction of Knysna by the PA/ANC/EFF coalition
While the state appears serious about curtailing legal private firearm ownership, it is careless and unserious about illegal firearms trafficking by members of the national police