The Constitutional Court's endorsement of genocidal rhetoric means all three branches of the state are hostile. South Africa is now an illegitimate state and should be dismantled
Spokesman Vincent Magwenya maintains "Kill the Boer" is not hate speech, and dismissed the seriousness of farm murders by pointing out the world-beating overall homicide rate
America's new ambassador pick represents a synthesis of paleoconservative and neoconservative factions. He succeeds over alternative pick Joel Pollack, who has close DA ties
As East and West start to eye strategic maritime passages, there is a distinct absence of attention to the Cape. But that cannot last forever.
The Bertha Foundation has initiated a bail fund which will work hand-in-glove with judicial and prison authorities to reduce the amount of time criminals spend in jail
The economy is stagnant while population grows, and industries are shutting down. Reuben Coetzer of FREESA outlines the problem and the solutions from a national policy perspective
The Hudson Institute has recommended using the Magnitsky Act, which is intended for use against foreign enemies and terrorist financiers