The IEC withdrew their registration efforts in the illegal settlement in Phillipi East known as Marikana over the weekend for safety reasons.
Singaporean Lap Leong Gong offers some perspective on the similarities between his country and ours in the quest for self-determination
All major contestants in the Malmesbury by-election stand accused of compromising the integrity of the electoral process
With many new conservative and populist governments reaching power across the Western world, the risks of diplomatic isolation may be waning
Two officials from Theewaterskloof have been targeted for investigation after a whistleblower alleged Rugby World Cup trip may have been funded with taxpayer money
Vian de Bod lays out the troubles with South Africa's colonial identity, and argues that breaking the colonial curse means breaking the borders of the colony
Martin van Staden says the DA and others’ argument that Parliament must first fix the old Act is without foundation