Ike Boss, ‘n kommunikasiepraktisyn van Kaapstad, bevraagteken die DA se bedoelings rakende die Veelpartyhandves, nadat hulle leiers die kans van 'n ANC-koalisie asem gee
South Africa's two peacekeeping efforts are under strain, and it looks like only the Rwandans seem to know what they are doing
Ike Boss, on behalf of a client, has submitted an objection to the inclusion of Memory Booysen on the DA's provincial list, due to Booysen's extensive misconduct
The DA have been trying to push the idea that a coalition with the ANC is the "least worst" option, but in reality it will destroy them, and guarantee SA's destruction
South Africa's overstretched troops may not yet be dragged into a hot conflict, but this may be more due to Kagame's superior geostrategy than South Africa's commitment
Heylen, a candidate for the Referendum Party, puts the DA's political strategy in the Western Cape under the microscope
The ruling party has accused the opposition of hypocrisy in their criticism of the ANC's cadre deployment scheme