Joe Emilio defends the Referendum Party from its critics, and lays the case from
Martin argues Cape independence is only justified if it comes with an open borders policy. I believe the opposite.
Johann Brummer was fired from the DA in 2011 after turning whistleblower on local corruption. He describes the 12-year court battle he has been winning against the party
Daniel Hukamdad has joined the Referendum Party, bringing the Cape independence movement to the country's most influential campus
The RP will be defending the format of the 14 000 digital signatures they have already collected, while other supporters rush to collect backup signatures: 7000 in the first 24 hrs
Evidence points to a muti killing, as all parties in the search effort accuse one another of exploiting the situation for personal gain, and drive Joslin's mother into hiding.
Seeing the steady growth of the past few years accelerate, the VF+ could easily break the 5% mark at this year's provincial elections