At the recent DA party reorganization, Tertuis Simmers was elected as the DA's leader in the Western Cape for the 2024 general election, defeating Bonginkosi Madikizela.
Jaco Londt became provincial chairperson, and Geordin Hill-Lewis was elected deputy leader, both unopposed. Anroux Marais, Carl Pophaim, and Zimkitha Sulelo secured deputy provincial chairperson roles, while Erik Marais retained his position as finance chairperson unopposed.
Simmers highlighted the achievements of the DA-led provincial government, emphasizing the need to showcase them to voters. Simmers warned against the risk of losing to the ANC and EFF coalition and emphasized the importance of a united DA vote to prevent this outcome.
Simmers also reiterated the DA’s promises to devolve powers to the province, which has been on the party’s manifesto for decades, though none of the opportunities to do so have been entertained until pressure from the Cape independence movement began to pose a challenge.
Simmers encouraged residents to register and vote for the DA in 2024, framing it as an opportunity to protect the Western Cape and contribute to rescuing South Africa.
Recent accusations of Simmers exploiting ministerial housing perks to live in a fourth, state-funded house, were not addressed.
New generators and reefer stacks have taken a little pressure off, but the transport industry remains frustrated with Transnet's refusal to implement necessary changes