Solidariteit goes global

The Solidariteit Movement has launched a new initiative, The Afrikaner Foundation, to leverage capital and seek donations from the diaspora to build independence at home





Jul 5, 2024

Solidariteit goes global

On Thursday, the Solidarity Movement launched a new initiative, the Afrikaner Foundation, in Centurion, Pretoria, aiming to garner foreign support for the various institutions within the movement. Dr. Ernst Roets, head of policy for the Solidarity Movement and now the executive director of the foundation, emphasized that the Afrikaner Foundation will primarily seek international support and recognition for the Afrikaners’ quest to exist freely, safely, and prosperously at the southern tip of Africa.

Roets underscored that the foundation's activities will not be limited to fundraising; it will also serve as a platform for Afrikaners to actively participate in the international discourse on community protection and the preservation of tradition. "The time is ripe for Afrikaners to reclaim their rightful place in the international community. Our experience shows that people worldwide are increasingly concerned about the situation in South Africa and are eager to contribute to Afrikaners’ pursuit of a free, safe, and prosperous future."

Roets clarified that the initiative is not about isolating Afrikaners but rather building bridges with anyone willing to collaborate. "The Afrikaner Foundation will not only attract support but also strengthen relationships and promote cooperation," he explained. The foundation will focus on establishing partnerships with foreign institutions interested in collaborating with the Solidarity Movement's various entities. Additionally, it aims to promote policies like the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), alongside fundraising and investment opportunities for foreigners and the diaspora in the movement’s projects and institutions.

Flip Buys, chairman of the Solidarity Movement, stressed the importance of building cultural infrastructure to enable Afrikaners to remain in South Africa. "This is something we must actively work on." He believes the foundation offers a digital cultural home for the Afrikaner diaspora, building on existing international friendships.

"With the Afrikaner Foundation, we are building for the next generation, not just focusing on the next election," Buys said. Jaco Kleynhans, head of international liaison at the Solidarity Movement, provided an overview of shifts in international politics, the opportunities these create for the movement, and the role Afrikaners can play.

Kleynhans believes the Afrikaner Foundation can prepare people for significant global changes and raise awareness of the opportunities in South Africa. "We can show that South Africa and Afrikaners have solutions, particularly in our local agricultural industry, which often leads in development and can address global food shortages."

Afrikaners, South Africa, and the entire continent need to articulate clearly what they can offer the world and what they expect from international friends. Kleynhans cited Georgia as an example, where a well-organized diaspora helped the country train medical professionals swiftly after Russian doctors withdrew following the Soviet Union's dissolution.

"If Afrikaners can act with agile diplomacy, wisdom, and innovation, and rethink our role in this rapidly changing world, we can empower Afrikaners to work globally," Kleynhans said.

Thursday's event at the Lewende Woord church in Centurion was a preliminary launch, focusing mainly on the brand, website, and initial activities of the Afrikaner Foundation. Full speeches by Roets, Buys, and Kleynhans are available at, with video recordings to be published on the Afrikaner Foundation's YouTube channel. The Pioneer Podcast, shedding light on the movement’s activities, is also available on the foundation's website. Those interested in the foundation's work can subscribe to the newsletter on the website.

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