Anti-gun lobby ignores majority of homicides committed by other means

Tim Flack points out what the anti-self-defence lobby fails to grasp- that most murders in our world-beating homicide statistics are from weapons other than firearms

Tim Flack


Tim Flack


Nov 23, 2023

Anti-gun lobby ignores majority of homicides committed by other means

In the latest round of 'How Not to Manage Crime Statistics', the South African Police Service (SAPS) has once again presented us with a report that seems to have taken a few lessons from AAA shot at a target – notably, the holes.

Yes, the second quarter report of the 2023-2024 period is out, and it's as revealing for what it omits as for what it includes, specifically in the choice weapons portion.At the center of this statistical saga is the ever-controversial topic of firearms in violent crimes.


Anti-gun lobbies, with a fondness for cherry-picking, have been quick to point out that guns are the leading cause of murder in South Africa. However, a closer look at the SAPS data tells a different story – one that these lobbies seem to conveniently ignore. Out of 6,786 murder cases reported, firearms were involved in 3,106, accounting for 45.8%.

But here's the kicker: a whopping 54.2% of murders were committed using means other than firearms. This includes knives, sharp instruments, blunt objects, body parts, and, of course, the ever-mysterious category of 'unspecified' instruments, which, for some reason, makes up a significant portion of the data every year, and is never featured in their data. leading to the numbers not adding up.

It's almost as if the anti-gun lobbies and SAPS have made a pact to overlook these figures. After all, why let facts get in the way of a good narrative? The Police Minister, in his infinite wisdom, continues to champion the cause against firearms, seemingly oblivious to the larger picture painted by his own department's data.

The persistently high percentage of 'unspecified' cases in the SAPS reports is a convenient blind spot for those pushing for stricter gun control. It's easier to blame the guns than to address the myriad other factors contributing to South Africa's murder rate, like socio-economic issues, inadequate policing, or, dare I say, inefficient governance?

The reality is, that focusing solely on gun control while neglecting other aspects of crime prevention is like trying to bail out a sinking boat with a teaspoon. It's a futile effort that ignores the larger holes in the vessel. And yet, year after year, we are presented with incomplete data and half-baked solutions.

So, here's a round of applause for the authorities and anti-gun lobbyists. Well done on missing the forest for the trees, yet again. As for the rest of us, let's continue to push for a comprehensive approach to crime prevention, one that doesn't selectively ignore inconvenient truths. Because, at the end of the day, it's not just about guns – it's about creating a safer society for all.

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